tagged 2d

WORK IN PROGRESS…computing…error…error…does not compute…says the Maybot.

The Honest Politician, staring the hero MP and right honourable Harry Charmer. Can you climb the greasy pole? From a lowly backbench MP to the the heights of government, possibly Prime Minister. A past student in Politics and government and watching the current circus on show – I was eager to stick the knife in and begin the scandal. My first attempt at a pixel art piece for the mobile game industry. A mobile game idea, that has been lingering around in my sketchbooks for a very, very long time.

A NEW character and the arch villain, The Evil Aye in the future game Chameleon Swing 2. ‘I SEE YOU! I can see into your soul, its like an open book.’

UNLIMITED POWER!!! – Do you know how much I sacrificed.

Ming the Merciless
The power, reach and influence of the Catholic Church (Middle Ages to 17th century)
Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Count Dooku
El Greco religious paintings
Ingres paintings – Napoleon and Zeus
The Cardinal in the Three Musketeers
The authority of the Church in ‘Elizabeth’

Two recent updates this weekend, creating the new Chameleon Swing icon for the game and reworking the cyclops statue still hanging around inside my computer. Still alot of refining and muscle definition to do but it’s taking shape.